Source code for UtilityLayer.Keywords

from Settings import DB_PORT
from Settings import DB_UPDATE
from Settings import MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
from Settings import MAX_CACHE_SIZE
from Settings import CONFIG_FILENAME
from Structures import NamelessStruct
from Structures import NamedStruct

import numpy as np

# Query params for grouping
_experiments = 'experiments'
_samples = 'samples'
_datasets = 'datasets'
_channels = 'channels'

_groupings = {
    _experiments: 'experiment',
    _samples: 'sample',
    _datasets: 'dataset',
    _channels: 'channel'

# List all groups for the API and the rh-config
_group_list = [_experiments, _samples, _datasets, _channels]
# List all tables for the API and the database
_table_list = ['neuron', 'synapse']

[docs]class INPUT(): """ Keywords to read input files and requests All the attributes and their attributes store \ a mutable VALUE of and type, and some store a \ static NAME that should always be used externally. Attributes ------------ METHODS: :class:`NamedStruct` All methods for :class:`RequestHandler` requests GROUP: :class:`NamedStruct` All groups from the :data:`UtilityLayer.BFLY_CONFIG` FEATURES: :class:`NamedStruct` All features for /api/entity_feature requests POSITION: :class:`NamelessStruct` Center coordintates for :meth:`Database.load_config` All coordinates for :class:`RequestHandler` requests RESOLUTION: :class:`NamelessStruct` All resolutions for :class:`RequestHandler` requests INFO: :class:`NamelessStruct` Formats for /api/channel_metadata requests \ and id for /api/entity_feature requests IMAGE: :class:`NamelessStruct` Formats and views for :class:`RequestHandler` \ data or mask requests. """ def __init__(self): # ALL THE METHOD NAMES self.METHODS = NamedStruct('method', INFO_LIST = ['channel_metadata', 'entity_feature'], WEBSOCKET = NamedStruct('websocket'), META = NamedStruct('channel_metadata'), PRE = NamedStruct('precompute_info'), FEAT = NamedStruct('entity_feature'), IMAGE_LIST = ['data', 'mask'], GROUP_LIST = _group_list ) self.GROUP = NamedStruct( 'name', LIST = map(_groupings.get, self.METHODS.GROUP_LIST) ) # ALL THE FEATURE NAMES self.FEATURES = NamedStruct('feature', TABLES = NamelessStruct( NEURON = NamedStruct(_table_list[0], LIST = [ 'neuron_keypoint', 'all_neurons', 'is_neuron', ] ), SYNAPSE = NamedStruct(_table_list[1], LIST = [ 'synapse_keypoint', 'neuron_children', 'synapse_parent', 'synapse_ids', 'is_synapse', ] ), ), # Lists giving parameters needed ID_LIST = [ 'synapse_parent', 'synapse_keypoint', 'neuron_keypoint', 'is_synapse', 'is_neuron', ], ID_BOX_LIST = [ 'neuron_children', ], BOX_LIST = [ 'synapse_ids', ], STATIC_LIST = ['all_neurons'], # Specific Lists of features SYNAPSE_LINKS = NamedStruct('synapse_parent'), NEURON_CHILDREN = NamedStruct('neuron_children'), POINT_LIST = ['synapse_keypoint','neuron_keypoint'], LINK_LIST = ['synapse_parent','neuron_children'], BOOL_LIST = ['is_synapse','is_neuron'], LABEL_LIST = ['synapse_ids'], ) self.POSITION = NamelessStruct( # ALL THE ORIGIN / SHAPE INPUTS X = NamedStruct('x'), Y = NamedStruct('y'), Z = NamedStruct('z'), WIDTH = NamedStruct('width'), HEIGHT = NamedStruct('height'), DEPTH = NamedStruct('depth', VALUE = 1 ), LIST = ['z','y','x','depth','height','width'] ) # ALL THE RESOLUTION INPUTS self.RESOLUTION = NamelessStruct( XY = NamedStruct('resolution', VALUE = 0 ), X = NamedStruct('x-res'), Y = NamedStruct('y-res'), Z = NamedStruct('z-res') ) # ALL THE INFO / FEATURE INPUTS self.INFO = NamelessStruct( FORMAT = NamedStruct('format', LIST = ['json','yaml'], VALUE = 'json' ), ID = NamedStruct('id') ) # ALL THE IMAGE INPUTS self.IMAGE = NamelessStruct( FORMAT = NamedStruct('format', COLOR_LIST = ['png','jpg','jpeg','bmp'], VOL_LIST = ['npz'], TIF_LIST = ['tif', 'tiff'], ZIP_LIST = ['zip'], VALUE = 'png' ), VIEW = NamedStruct('view', GRAY = NamedStruct('grayscale'), COLOR = NamedStruct('colormap'), RGB = NamedStruct('rgb'), VALUE = 'grayscale' ), OFFSET = NamedStruct('offset', VALUE = [0,0,0] ) )
[docs]class RUNTIME(): """ Keywords passed between classes and layers. All the attributes and their attributes store \ a mutable VALUE of and type, and some store a \ static NAME that should always be used externally. Attributes ------------ TILE: :class:`NamelessStruct` For :class:`QueryLayer.TileQuery` IMAGE: :class:`NamelessStruct` For :class:`QueryLayer.DataQuery` CACHE: :class:`NamelessStruct` For :class:`CoreLayer.Cache` DB: :class:`NamelessStruct` For :mod:`DatabaseLayer` """ def __init__(self): # ALL THE TILE RUNTIME TERMS self.TILE = NamelessStruct( KJI = NamedStruct('kji'), SCALES = NamedStruct('scales'), ZYX = NamedStruct('zyx') ) # ALL THE FEATURE RUNTIME TERMS self.FEATURES = NamelessStruct( LINKS = NamelessStruct( ID = NamedStruct('synapse_id'), PRE = NamedStruct('synapse_parent_pre'), POST = NamedStruct('synapse_parent_post') ) ) # ALL THE IMAGE RUNTIME TERMS self.IMAGE = NamelessStruct( SOURCE = NamedStruct('source-type', LIST = [ 'hdf5', 'boss', 'mojo', 'stack', ], HDF5 = NamedStruct('hdf5', OFF = NamedStruct('z-offset'), OUTER = NamedStruct('filename'), INNER = NamedStruct('dataset-path', VALUE = 'main' ), ), MOJO = NamedStruct('mojo', FORMAT = NamedStruct('format', VALUE = 'jpg', H5_LIST = ['h5','hdf5'], ) ), BOSS = NamedStruct('boss', PATHS = NamedStruct('tiff-paths', VALUE = {} ), ALL = 'tiles', PATH = 'location', ZYX = ['z','row','column'], INFO = NamedStruct('ingest_job', BLOCK = NamedStruct('tile_size', ZYX = ['z','y','x'], ), EXTENT = NamedStruct('extent', ZYX = ['z','y','x'], ), START = NamedStruct('tile_origin', VALUE = np.uint64([0,0,0]), ZYX = ['z','row','column'], ), ), ), VALUE = 'tiff' ), BLOCK = NamedStruct('block-size', VALUE = np.uint32([[1, 512, 512]]) ), MERGE = NamedStruct('merge', VALUE = None, ), SPLIT = NamedStruct('split', VALUE = None, ), ERROR = NamedStruct('error', VALUE = '', ), ) # ALL THE CACHE RUNTIME TERMS self.CACHE = NamelessStruct( META = NamedStruct('meta-size', VALUE = 567 ), MAX_BLOCK = NamedStruct('max-block-size', VALUE = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ), MAX = NamedStruct('max-cache-size', VALUE = MAX_CACHE_SIZE ) ) # ALL THE DATABASE RUNTIME TERMS self.DB = NamelessStruct( UPDATE = NamedStruct('update', VALUE = DB_UPDATE, ), TABLE = NamelessStruct( LIST = _table_list, NEURON = NamedStruct(_table_list[0], KEY = NamedStruct('neuron'), FULL_LIST = ['neuron','z','y','x'], ), SYNAPSE = NamedStruct(_table_list[1], YX = NamedStruct('yx'), KEY = NamedStruct('__id'), NEURON_LIST = ['n1','n2'], FULL_LIST = ['__id','n1','n2','z','y','x'], ), ALL = NamelessStruct( POINT_LIST = ['z','y','x'] ) ), FILE = NamelessStruct( SYNAPSE = NamedStruct('synapse-connections', DEFAULT = 'synapse-connections.json', NEURON_LIST = ['neuron_1','neuron_2'], POINT = NamedStruct('synapse_center', LIST = ['z','y','x'] ) ), SOMA = NamedStruct('neuron-soma', DEFAULT = 'neuron-soma.json' ), DB_LIST = [ 'synapse-connections', 'neuron-soma' ], CONFIG = NamedStruct('rh-config', VALUE = CONFIG_FILENAME, GROUP_LIST = _group_list, PATH = NamedStruct('path'), DPATH = NamedStruct('dpath') ) ), JOIN = NamedStruct('{}://{}'), PORT = NamedStruct('port', VALUE = DB_PORT, ) )
[docs]class OUTPUT(): """ Keywords used for writing out from server. All the attributes and their attributes store \ a mutable VALUE of and type, and some store a \ static NAME that should always be used externally. Attributes ------------ INFO: :class:`NamelessStruct` Outputs for /api/channel_metadata requests FEATURES: :class:`NamelessStruct` Outputs for /api/entity_feature requests """ def __init__(self): # ALL THE INFO OUTPUT TERMS self.INFO = NamelessStruct( CHANNELS = NamedStruct('channels'), DATASET = NamedStruct('dataset'), CHANNEL = NamedStruct('name'), QUERY = NamedStruct('query'), NAMES = NamedStruct('list'), PATH = NamedStruct('path'), TYPE = NamedStruct('data-type', VALUE = 'uint8', RAW_LIST = ['uint8','float32'], ID_LIST = [ 'uint16', 'int16', 'uint32', 'int32', 'uint64', 'int64', ] ), SIZE = NamedStruct('dimensions', X = NamedStruct('x'), Y = NamedStruct('y'), Z = NamedStruct('z') ) )