Source code for QueryLayer.InfoQuery

from Query import Query
from ImageLayer import Sparse
import numpy as np
import json, yaml

VOXEL_XYZ = np.uint32([4,4,30])

class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """ Encode numpy datatypes in json
    def default(self, obj):
        """ Serialize numpy numbers as usual
        if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
            return int(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
            return float(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
            return super(NumpyEncoder, self).default(obj)

[docs]class InfoQuery(Query): """ Describe ``INPUT.METHODS.INFO_LIST`` requests Arguments ----------- args: list unused keywords: dict * `OUTPUT.INFO.NAMES` (list) -- all answers to group and feature queries * `OUTPUT.INFO.PATH` (str) -- the path to the given :class:`Datasource` * `OUTPUT.INFO.SIZE` (numpy.ndarray) -- 3x1 for full volume shape * `OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNEL` (str) -- The name of the most specific image group * `OUTPUT.INFO.FORMAT` (str) -- The requested format for HTTP output Attributes ------------ _write: list All write functions for output formats """ #: Options for all :data:`_write` _form = [ { 'indent': 4, 'cls': NumpyEncoder }, { 'default_flow_style': False } ] # All writers for output formats _write = [json.dumps, yaml.dump] def update_keys(self, keywords): Query.update_keys(self, keywords) for key in ['NAMES','PATH','SIZE','CHANNEL']: self.set_key(self.OUTPUT.INFO,key) self.set_key(self.INPUT.INFO,'FORMAT') # For the dataset queries self.set_key(self.OUTPUT.INFO, 'CHANNELS') self.set_key(self.OUTPUT.INFO, 'DATASET') @property def channels(self): """ return the list of channels Returns ------- list All channel dictionaries """ return self.OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNELS.VALUE @property def get_format(self): """ get the index of the output format Returns ------- int index for :data:`_form` or :data:`_write` """ fmt_val = self.INPUT.INFO.FORMAT.VALUE return self.INPUT.INFO.FORMAT.LIST.index(fmt_val)
[docs] def websocket_edit(self, msg={}): """ Change internal state based on websocket message Arguments ------------- msg: dict The commands controlling the message Returns -------- dict The values changed in the internal state """ methods = self.INPUT.METHODS action = methods.VALUE.split(':')[1] # take named keywords merge_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.MERGE split_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.SPLIT error_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.ERROR # Save merges in message if action in ['save']: # Get the new merges merge_new = msg.get('merge', []) mt_new = Sparse.to_sparse_mt(merge_new) # Get the new splits split_new = msg.get('split', []) st_new = Sparse.to_sparse_st(split_new) # Update the current merges mt_now = merge_field.VALUE Sparse.update_mt(mt_now, mt_new) # Update the current splits st_now = split_field.VALUE Sparse.update_st(st_now, st_new) # Write and return current merges and splits e_path = self.edit_path error0 = Sparse.save_mt(e_path, mt_now) error1 = Sparse.save_st(e_path, st_now) # Update Error message return { merge_field.NAME: mt_now, split_field.NAME: st_now, error_field.NAME: error0 + error1, } # Unchanged return {}
[docs] def websocket_result(self, action): """ Results to a websocket query Arguments ---------- action: str The type of result to send to client Returns -------- dict The result to send to client """ # take named keywords merge_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.MERGE split_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.SPLIT error_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.ERROR # Standard results result = { 'action': action, 'error': error_field.VALUE, } # Restore and save return the same if action in ['save', 'restore']: # Format the merge and split tables as output mt_now = merge_field.VALUE st_now = split_field.VALUE return dict({ 'merge': Sparse.from_sparse_mt(mt_now), 'split': Sparse.from_sparse_st(st_now), }, **result) return result
@property def result(self): """ get the answer to the info query Returns ------- dict For the method ``INPUT.METHODS.META.NAME``: * ``OUTPUT.INFO.PATH.NAME`` -- (str) ``OUTPUT.INFO.PATH.VALUE`` * ``OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE.NAME`` -- (str) ``OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE.VALUE`` * ``OUTPUT.INFO.SIZE.NAME`` -- (dict) ``OUTPUT.INFO.SIZE.VALUE`` * ``OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNEL.NAME`` -- (str) ``OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNEL.VALUE`` list For all methods ``INPUT.METHODS.GROUP_LIST``: For the method ``INPUT.METHODS.FEATURE.NAME``: * all (str) in ``OUTPUT.INFO.NAMES.VALUE`` """ info_out = self.OUTPUT.INFO methods = self.INPUT.METHODS source_field = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.SOURCE # Return a list of all group naems if methods.VALUE in methods.GROUP_LIST: return info_out.NAMES.VALUE # Return fake "precomputed" file if methods.VALUE == methods.PRE.NAME: # Check if image or segmentation dtype = info_out.TYPE.VALUE is_id = dtype in info_out.TYPE.ID_LIST # Get the blocksizes block_zyx = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.BLOCK.VALUE block_xyz = np.fliplr(block_zyx) # All block info resolutions = range(len(block_xyz)) block_enum = zip(resolutions, block_xyz) # Constant info full_size = [ info_out.SIZE.VALUE['x'], info_out.SIZE.VALUE['y'], info_out.SIZE.VALUE['z'], ] # Format all scales def get_scale(rb): r,b = rb return { 'key': str(r), 'size': full_size, 'resolution': [2**r, 2**r, 1]*VOXEL_XYZ, 'voxel_offset': [0,0,0], 'chunk_sizes': [list(b)], 'encoding': 'raw', } all_info = { 'num_channels': 1, 'data_type': dtype, 'scales': list(map(get_scale, block_enum)), 'type': ['image', 'segmentation'][is_id], 'mesh': 'mesh', } return all_info # Return dictionary created here if methods.VALUE == methods.META.NAME: return { source_field.NAME: source_field.VALUE, info_out.PATH.NAME: info_out.PATH.VALUE, info_out.TYPE.NAME: info_out.TYPE.VALUE, info_out.SIZE.NAME: info_out.SIZE.VALUE, info_out.CHANNEL.NAME: info_out.CHANNEL.VALUE, } # Handle websocket events if self.is_websocket: ws_actions = methods.VALUE.split(':')[1:] return self.websocket_result(*ws_actions) # Return list of groups return info_out.NAMES.VALUE @property def dump(self): """ format :meth:`result` with :data:`write` Returns -------- str The :meth:`result` formatted as a string """ raw_output = self.result # Write as JSON or YAML out = self.get_format writer = self._write[out] return writer(raw_output,**self._form[out])
[docs] def dump_dataset(self, all_channels): """ format :meth:`result` with :data:`write` Arguments ---------- all_channels: list Contains keywords for each channel Returns -------- str The :meth:`result` formatted as a string """ # Get keys for interface name_key = self.OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNEL.NAME type_key = self.OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE.NAME # Get interface constants annotation_list = self.OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE.ID_LIST # Get interface values dataset = self.OUTPUT.INFO.DATASET.VALUE # Format channel for this output def fmt_channel(chans, ch): # Get data type and channel type channel_type = 'image' data_type = ch[type_key] if data_type in annotation_list: channel_type = 'annotation' # Update channels dictionary chans.update({ ch[name_key]: { 'datatype': data_type, 'channel_type': channel_type, 'description': ch[name_key], "exceptions": 0, "propagate": 2, "readonly": 1, "resolution": 0, "windowrange": [ 0, 0 ] } }) return chans # Get keys for interface block_key = self.RUNTIME.IMAGE.BLOCK.NAME size_key = self.OUTPUT.INFO.SIZE.NAME # Get example channel channel0 = all_channels[0] # Get the number of scled levels block_list = channel0[block_key] n_levels = len(block_list) level_ids = range(n_levels) # Get constants k_offset = [0,0,0] k_fullsize = channel0[size_key] # Get scale for resolution def xyz_scale(i): return [2**i, 2**i, 1] xyz_scales = np.uint64(map(xyz_scale, level_ids)) # Get voxel, block, and full sizes xyz_blocklist = np.fliplr(block_list) xyz_voxelres = np.uint64(VOXEL_XYZ * xyz_scales) xyz_fullsize = np.uint64(k_fullsize[::-1] / xyz_scales) xyz_fullsize = np.clip(xyz_fullsize, 1, None) # Make a dictionary for all levels def level_dict(values): return dict(zip(level_ids, values)) # Get all info for dataset raw_output = { 'channels': reduce(fmt_channel, all_channels, {}), 'dataset': { 'scaling': 'zslices', 'description': dataset, 'scalinglevels': n_levels, 'resolutions': level_ids, 'offset': level_dict((k_offset,)*n_levels), 'neariso_scaledown': level_dict((1,)*n_levels), 'cube_dimension': level_dict(xyz_blocklist), 'imagesize': level_dict(xyz_fullsize), 'voxelres': level_dict(xyz_voxelres), 'neariso_voxelres': level_dict(xyz_voxelres), 'timerange': [ 0, 0 ], }, 'metadata': {}, 'project': { 'description': dataset, 'name': dataset, 'version': '0.0' }, } # Undocumented in NDStore v0.7 def dataset_shim(d): d['neariso_offset'] = d['offset'] d['neariso_voxelres'] = d['voxelres'] d['neariso_imagesize'] = d['imagesize'] dataset_shim(raw_output['dataset']) # Write as JSON or YAML out = self.get_format writer = self._write[out] return writer(raw_output,**self._form[out])
[docs] def set_channel(self, channel): """ Change the query to a given channel channel: dict ``self.OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNEL``: str ``self.OUTPUT.INFO.PATH``: str """ self.update_keys(channel) for key in ['PATH','CHANNEL']: self.set_key(self.OUTPUT.INFO,key)