import os
import csv
import time
import json
import numpy as np
import logging as log
[docs]class Database():
""" Stores tables to respond to :meth:`API._feature_info`
path: str
The file path to store and access the database
_runtime: :class:`RUNTIME`
Gets stored as :data:`RUNTIME`
With keywords needed to load files and use tables
def __init__(self, path, _runtime):
# Get the database keywords
self.RUNTIME = _runtime
[docs] def load_config(self, config):
""" Loads all files from ``config`` into database
config: dict
all data from :mod:`UtilityLayer.rh_config`
the derived database class instance
# Get file fields
k_files = self.RUNTIME.DB.FILE
# Get keywords for the BFLY_CONFIG
k_list = k_files.CONFIG.GROUP_LIST
k_range = range(len(k_list) - 1)
# Join lists from config groups
def cat_lists(groups, level):
# Get the next group key
lev_key = k_list[level]
# Get a list of lists of all the next groups
g_lists = [g.get(lev_key, []) for g in groups]
# Get list of all groups from groups
return [g for l in g_lists for g in l]
# Join all lists from within config
all_lists = reduce(cat_lists, k_range, [config])
# Load all files for each dataset
map(self.load_all, all_lists)
# Save to disk
return self
[docs] def load_all(self, source):
""" Load the tables, synapses, and neuron configs
source: dict
The configuration options for a dataset
# Get file fields
k_files = self.RUNTIME.DB.FILE
# Get keywords for the BFLY_CONFIG
k_list = k_files.CONFIG.GROUP_LIST
k_dpath = k_files.CONFIG.DPATH.NAME
k_path = k_files.CONFIG.PATH.NAME
# Get the key to the channels
k_channel = k_list[-1]
# Set custom names of files
for nf in map(k_files.get, k_files.DB_LIST):
nf.VALUE = source.get(nf.NAME, nf.DEFAULT)
# list of channels for the dataset path
c_list = source.get(k_channel, [])
d_path = source.get(k_path, '')
# List used paths
done_paths = ['']
# Add all channel paths to database
for c_dict in c_list:
# Get paths to map to data
c_path = c_dict.get(k_path, '')
c_dpath = c_dict.get(k_dpath, d_path)
if c_dpath:
# Map the path to the data path
self.add_path(c_path, c_dpath)
# if we found a new data path
if c_dpath not in done_paths:
# Add all tables for the dataset path
# Load all synapses and neurons
synapses = self.load_synapses(c_dpath)
self.load_neurons(c_dpath, synapses)
# Mark the dataset path as fully loaded
[docs] def add_path(self, c_path, d_path):
""" store a link from a ``c_path`` to a ``d_path``
Must be overridden by derived class.
c_path: str
The path to a given channel with images
d_path: str
The path to the dataset with metadata files
[docs] def add_tables(self, path):
""" Store all the tables for a given path
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
# Get keywords for the database
# Create all tables for the path
for k_table in k_list:
# Make a table from path and table name
self.add_table(k_table, path)
return self
[docs] def add_table(self, table, path):
""" Add a table to the database
Must be overridden by derived classes
table: str
The category of table for the database
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
str or bool
The table name combining ``table`` and ``path`` \
The derived classes should return whether the table was \
added successfully.
k_join = self.RUNTIME.DB.JOIN.NAME
return k_join.format(table, path)
[docs] def load_synapses(self, path):
""" Load all the synapse information from files
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
The Nx5 array of pre, post, z, y, x values \
where N is the number of synapses for the ``path``.
# Get file fields
k_files = self.RUNTIME.DB.FILE
# Get keywords for input file
k_file = k_files.SYNAPSE.VALUE
k_point = k_files.SYNAPSE.POINT.NAME
k_points_in = k_files.SYNAPSE.POINT.LIST
k_nodes_in = k_files.SYNAPSE.NEURON_LIST
# Get the full path to the synapse file
full_path = os.path.join(path, k_file)
# Load the file with the synapses
with open(full_path, 'r') as f:
all_dict = json.load(f)
point_dict = all_dict[k_point]
# Return if not valid file or json
except (IOError, ValueError):
return []
# Transpose the list of all synapses
links = map(all_dict.get, k_nodes_in)
center = map(point_dict.get, k_points_in)
synapses = np.uint32(links + center).T
# Add synapses to database
self.add_synapses(path, synapses)
return synapses
[docs] def load_neurons(self, path, synapses):
""" Load all the neuron information from files
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
synapses: numpy.ndarray
The Nx5 array of pre, post, z, y, x values \
where N is the number of synapses for the ``path``.
The Nx4 array of id, z, y, x values \
where N is the number of neurons for the ``path``.
# return if not synapses
if not len(synapses):
return synapses
# Get neurons from loaded synapses
# All unqiue source nodes and their keys
all_src, src_keys = np.unique(synapses.T[0], True)
# All unique target nodes and their keys
all_tgt, tgt_keys = np.unique(synapses.T[1], True)
# Find keys for neurons that are never targets
only_src = list(set(all_src) - set(all_tgt))
src_dict = dict(zip(all_src, src_keys))
src_keys = map(src_dict.get, only_src)
# Get all neuron lists from synapse targets, sources
neuron_tgt = np.delete(synapses[tgt_keys], 0, 1)
neuron_src = np.delete(synapses[src_keys], 1, 1)
# Get full neuron list from source and target
neurons = np.r_[neuron_src, neuron_tgt]
# Get file fields
k_files = self.RUNTIME.DB.FILE
# Get keywords for input file
k_file = k_files.SOMA.VALUE
k_file = os.path.join(path, k_file)
if os.path.exists(k_file):
msg = "Loading neuron centers from {}"
# Load the csv
with open(k_file, 'r') as jf:
# Keep a list of synapseless soma
new_neurons = []
# Add each new center point to database
for soma in json.load(jf):
# Make a numpy uint32 coorinate array
k_soma = ['neuron_id', 'z', 'y', 'x']
new_soma = np.uint32(map(soma.get, k_soma))
soma_id = new_soma[0]
# Find the correct ID
neuron_ids = neurons.T[0]
# If the soma has a synapse
if soma_id in neuron_ids:
# Insert into the correct ID
soma_index = np.argwhere(neuron_ids == soma_id)[0][0]
neurons[soma_index] = new_soma
# Add new synapseless neuron
# Add new neurons to full neurons list
if len(new_neurons):
neurons = np.r_[neurons, new_neurons]
# Add neurons to database
self.add_neurons(path, neurons)
return neurons
[docs] def add_synapses(self, path, synapses):
""" Add all the synapases to the database
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
synapses: numpy.ndarray
The Nx5 array of pre, post, z, y, x values \
where N is the number of synapses for the ``path``.
A list of dicts from each row of ``synapses`` \
with dictionary keys taken from ``SYNAPSE.FULL_LIST`` \
field of :data:`RUNTIME.DB`
# Get database fields
k_tables = self.RUNTIME.DB.TABLE
# Get keywords for the database
k_synapse = k_tables.SYNAPSE.NAME
# List all the syapse database keys
k_keys = k_tables.SYNAPSE.FULL_LIST
# Add entries
return self.add_entries(k_synapse, path, k_keys, synapses)
[docs] def add_neurons(self, path, neurons):
""" Add all the neurons to the database
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
neurons: numpy.ndarray
The Nx4 array of id, z, y, x values \
where N is the number of neurons for the ``path``.
A list of dicts from each row of ``neurons`` \
with dictionary keys from the ``NEURON.FULL_LIST`` \
field of :data:`RUNTIME.DB`
# Get database fields
k_tables = self.RUNTIME.DB.TABLE
# Get keywords for the database
k_neuron = k_tables.NEURON.NAME
# List all the syapse database keys
k_keys = k_tables.NEURON.FULL_LIST
# Add entries
return self.add_entries(k_neuron, path, k_keys, neurons)
[docs] def add_entries(self, table, path, t_keys, entries):
""" Add an array or list of entries to a table
Must be overridden by derived class.
k_join = self.RUNTIME.DB.JOIN.NAME
return k_join.format(table, path)
[docs] def add_entry(self, table, path, entry, update=1):
""" and a single entry to a table for a path
Overides :meth:`Database.add_entry`
table: str
The category of table for the database
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
entry: dict
The mapping of keys to values for the entry
update: int
1 to update old entries matching keys, and \
0 to write new entries ignoring old entries. Default 1.
The value of the entry
k_join = self.RUNTIME.DB.JOIN.NAME
return k_join.format(table, path)
[docs] def get_path(self, path):
""" Map a channel path to a dataset path
Must be overridden by derived class.
path: str
The path to the given channel
The dataset path for the given ``path``
[docs] def get_table(self, table, path):
""" Get the actual table for a given path
Must be overridden by derived class.
table: str
The category of table for the database
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
str or object
Full database name of the table for a path. \
The derived classes should actually return the python \
object reference to the real table.
real_path = self.get_path(path)
k_join = self.RUNTIME.DB.JOIN.NAME
return k_join.format(table, real_path)
[docs] def synapse_ids(self, table, path, start, stop):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def is_synapse(self, table, path, id_key):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def is_neuron(self, table, path, id_key):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def synapse_keypoint(self, table, path, id_key, scales):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def neuron_keypoint(self, table, path, id_key, scales):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def synapse_parent(self, table, path, id_key):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def neuron_children(self, table, path, id_key, start, stop):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def all_neurons(self, table, path):
Must be overridden by derived class.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def get_by_key(self, table, path, key):
""" Get the entry for the key in the table.
Must be overridden by derived class.
table: str
The category of table for the database
path: str
The dataset path to metadata files
key: int
The primary key value for any entry
object or dict
The object reference from :meth:`get_table`. \
The derived class should give an entry in the table.
return self.get_table(table, path)
[docs] def commit(self):
""" Save all database changes to the database file.
Must be overridden by derived class.