Source code for CoreLayer.Core

from AccessLayer.QueryLayer import TileQuery
from AccessLayer.QueryLayer import DataQuery
from Cache import Cache
import numpy as np
import tifffile
import StringIO
import zlib
import cv2

[docs]class Core(object): """ Starts the :class:`Cache` Arguments ----------- db : :data:`bfly.Butterfly._db_type` A fully-loaded database Attributes ------------ _db: :data:`bfly.Butterfly._db_type` Taken from first argument ``db`` _cache: :class:`Cache` Able to store images and metadata using \ :class:`UtilityLayer.RUNTIME` instance \ from ``db`` argument """ def __init__(self, db): # Get DB Terms self._db = db RUNTIME = db.RUNTIME # Make Cache with keywords self._cache = Cache(RUNTIME) ##### # All methods to load data # 1. get_info answers an InfoQuery i_query. # 2. get_data answers a DataQuery d_query. # # Both get_info or get_data call update_query. # # To give answers , update_query uses _cache or: # 1. make_data_query if only i_query given. # 2. make_tile_query with new or given d_query. #####
[docs] @staticmethod def get_groups(i_query): """ dumps group list for ``i_query`` as a string Arguments ---------- i_query: :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` A request for a list of groups Returns -------- str A list of all groups for the ``i_query`` """ return i_query.dump
[docs] def get_edits(self, i_query, msg={}): """ dumps websocket updates to ``i_query`` as a string Calls :meth:`update_query` with more information\ from the cache or from the properties of a tile. Arguments ---------- i_query: :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` A request for information Returns -------- str Wesocket info for :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` """ keywords = self.update_query(i_query) # Update current query with preloaded terms i_query.update_source(keywords) # Execute weboscket command if needed changed = i_query.websocket_edit(msg) # Add to cache and query if len(changed): keywords.update(changed) i_query.update_source(keywords) self._cache.set(i_query.key, keywords) # Return the i_query info return i_query.dump
[docs] def get_info(self, i_query): """ dumps answer to ``i_query`` as a string Calls :meth:`update_query` with more information\ from the cache or from the properties of a tile. Arguments ---------- i_query: :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` A request for information Returns -------- str Channel info for :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` """ keywords = self.update_query(i_query) # Update current query with preloaded terms i_query.update_source(keywords) # Return the i_query info return i_query.dump
[docs] def get_dataset(self, i_query): """ dumps dataset from ``i_query`` as a string Calls :meth:`update_query` with more information\ from the cache or from the properties of a tile. Arguments ---------- i_query: :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` A request for information Returns -------- str Dataset info for :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` """ all_channels = [] # Update all the channels in the dataset for channel in i_query.channels: # Set the i_query to a given channel i_query.set_channel(channel) # Update the info for the channel keywords = self.update_query(i_query) # Add additionl keywords if needed channel_key = i_query.OUTPUT.INFO.CHANNEL.NAME keywords[channel_key] = channel[channel_key] # Add to list of channels all_channels.append(keywords) # Clear the channel data i_query.set_channel({}) # Update current query with preloaded terms return i_query.dump_dataset(all_channels)
[docs] def get_data(self, d_query): """ dumps answer to ``d_query`` as a string Calls :meth:`update_query` with more information\ from the cache or from the properties of a tile. \ Also calls :meth:`find_tiles` to get the complete\ image needed to answer the ``d_query``. Arguments ---------- i_query: :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` A request for information Returns -------- str Answer for the :class:`QueryLayer.InfoQuery` """ keywords = self.update_query(d_query) # Update current query with preloaded terms d_query.update_source(keywords) # Get the image for the d_query image = self.find_tiles(d_query) return self.write_image(d_query, image)
[docs] @staticmethod def make_data_query(i_query): """ Make a data query from an info query Arguments ---------- i_query: :class:`InfoQuery` only needs ``PATH`` set in :data:`OUTPUT.INFO` Returns -------- :class:`DataQuery` takes only the `PATH` from ``i_query`` """ # Begin building needed keywords i_path = i_query.OUTPUT.INFO.PATH return DataQuery(**{ i_query.INPUT.METHODS.NAME: 'data', i_path.NAME: i_path.VALUE })
[docs] @staticmethod def make_tile_query(d_query, t_index=np.uint32([0,0,0])): """ Make a :class:`TileQuery` from :class:`DataQuery` Arguments ---------- d_query: :class:`DataQuery` only needs ``PATH`` set in :data:`OUTPUT.INFO` t_index: numpy.ndarray The 3x1 count of tiles form the origin Returns -------- :class:`TileQuery` One tile request in the given data request """ tile_crop = d_query.all_in_some(t_index) return TileQuery(d_query, t_index, tile_crop)
[docs] def update_query(self, query): """ Finds missing query details from cache or tile Makes ``keywords`` from either the :data:`_cache` or \ from a new :class:`TileQuery` to update the given ``query`` Arguments ---------- query: :class:`Query` Either an :class:`InfoQuery` or a :class:`DataQuery` Returns -------- keywords: dict Can pass to :meth:`Query.update_source` or combine \ to pass to :meth:`Query.update_dataset`. """ keywords = self._cache.get(query.key) if not len(keywords): d_query = query # Create a preparatory data_query if not isinstance(query, DataQuery): d_query = self.make_data_query(query) # Create a preparatory tile_query t0_query = self.make_tile_query(d_query) # Update keywords and set the cache keywords = t0_query.preload_source self._cache.set(query.key, keywords) # Return the updated keywords return keywords
##### # Image Specific Methods #####
[docs] def find_tiles(self, d_query): """ Load the requested image for a :class:`DataQuery` Arguments ---------- d_query: :class:`DataQuery` Request for a scaled subvolume of a source image Returns numpy.ndarray The full image data for the requested region """ first_tile_index = d_query.tile_bounds[0] all_tiles = np.argwhere(np.ones(d_query.tile_shape)) cutout = np.zeros(d_query.target_shape, d_query.dtype) tiles_needed = first_tile_index + all_tiles for t_index in tiles_needed: # Make a query for the given tile t_query = self.make_tile_query(d_query, t_index) tile = self.load_tile(t_query) if not len(tile): continue # Fill the tile into the full cutout to_cut = [t_query.target_origin, tile.shape] [Z0,Y0,X0],[Z1,Y1,X1] = d_query.some_in_all(*to_cut) cutout[Z0:Z1,Y0:Y1,X0:X1] = tile return cutout
[docs] def find_unique(self, d_query): """ Get unique values for a :class:`DataQuery` Arguments ---------- d_query: :class:`DataQuery` Request for a scaled subvolume of a source image Returns set The set of unique values for the request """ first_tile_index = d_query.tile_bounds[0] all_tiles = np.argwhere(np.ones(d_query.tile_shape)) tiles_needed = first_tile_index + all_tiles # Set of all unique values unique = set() for t_index in tiles_needed: # Make a query for the given tile t_query = self.make_tile_query(d_query, t_index) tile = self.load_tile(t_query) # Union of unique values with the full set tile_bins = np.bincount(tile.flatten()) > 0 unique = unique | set(np.where(tile_bins)[0]) return unique
[docs] def load_tile(self, t_query): """ Load a single tile from the cache or from disk Arguments ---------- t_query: :class:`TileQuery` With tile coordinates and volume within the tile Returns -------- numpy.ndarray The subregion image data for the requested tile """ # grab request size for query t_bounds = t_query.target_bounds t_origin = t_query.target_tile_bounds[0] (K0,J0,I0),(K1,J1,I1) = t_bounds-t_origin # Load from cache or from disk if needed cache_tile = self._cache.get(t_query.key) if len(cache_tile): return cache_tile[K0:K1,J0:J1,I0:I1] # Load from disk tile = t_query.tile if not len(tile): return [] self._cache.set(t_query.key, tile) return tile[K0:K1,J0:J1,I0:I1]
[docs] @staticmethod def view_volume(view, vol): """ Display a volume in color or grayscale Arguments ---------- view: str The requested color or gray view of the data vol: str Raw volume from :class:`Cache` / :class:`Datasource` Returns -------- numpy.ndarray Colorized or original raw volume """ # Set up a colormap def id_to_color(vol): colors = np.zeros((3,)+ vol.shape).astype(np.uint8) colors[0] = np.mod(107 * vol, 700).astype(np.uint8) colors[1] = np.mod(509 * vol, 900).astype(np.uint8) colors[2] = np.mod(200 * vol, 777).astype(np.uint8) return np.moveaxis(colors,0,-1) # Colormap if a colormap view if view.VALUE == view.COLOR.NAME: return id_to_color(vol) return vol
[docs] def write_image(self, d_query, volume): """ Format a volume for a given :class:`DataQuery` Arguments ---------- d_query: :class:`DataQuery` With the format and view for the requested volume volume: numpy.ndarray Raw volume from :class:`Cache` / :class:`Datasource` Returns -------- str: The image response as a formatted bytestring """ img_format = d_query.INPUT.IMAGE.FORMAT img_view = d_query.INPUT.IMAGE.VIEW img_type = d_query.OUTPUT.INFO.TYPE # Only if grayscale view is set if img_view.VALUE == img_view.GRAY.NAME: # set the view based on the format is_big_int = img_type.VALUE in img_type.ID_LIST no_big_int_gray = img_format.VALUE in img_format.COLOR_LIST # If big integers must not be grayscale, try colormap if is_big_int and no_big_int_gray: img_view.VALUE = img_view.COLOR.NAME # If Multiple slices cannot be formatted if img_format.VALUE not in img_format.VOL_LIST: shape = volume.shape if shape[0] > 1: # Flatten the volume to image volume = volume.reshape(1, -1, shape[-1]) # Use colormap / RGB style encoding of ID data vol = self.view_volume(img_view, volume) if img_format.VALUE in ['raw']: output = StringIO.StringIO() output.write(vol.tobytes()) vol_string = output.getvalue() return vol_string if img_format.VALUE in ['npz']: output = StringIO.StringIO(), vol[np.newaxis]) vol_string = output.getvalue() return zlib.compress(vol_string) if img_format.VALUE in img_format.ZIP_LIST: output = StringIO.StringIO() volstring = vol[0].T.tostring('F') output.write(zlib.compress(volstring)) return output.getvalue() if img_format.VALUE in img_format.TIF_LIST: output = StringIO.StringIO() tiffvol = vol[0] tifffile.imsave(output, tiffvol) return output.getvalue() filetype = "." + img_format.VALUE image = cv2.imencode(filetype, vol[0]) return image[1].tostring()