The CoreLayer

You can import from ./ or with bfly installed.

from bfly import CoreLayer

Or, in scripts in some directories:

# if './bfly/' in sys.path
import CoreLayer

You can from CoreLayer import All layers.

# if './bfly/' in sys.path
from CoreLayer import DatabaseLayer, AccessLayer
from CoreLayer import QueryLayer, ImageLayer, UtilityLayer


You can import CoreLayer from bfly.

CoreLayer classes

class CoreLayer.Core(db)[source]

Starts the Cache

Parameters:db (bfly.Butterfly._db_type) – A fully-loaded database

bfly.Butterfly._db_type – Taken from first argument db


Cache – Able to store images and metadata using UtilityLayer.RUNTIME instance from db argument


Load the requested image for a DataQuery

  • d_query (DataQuery) – Request for a scaled subvolume of a source image
  • Returns
  • numpy.ndarray – The full image data for the requested region

Get unique values for a DataQuery

  • d_query (DataQuery) – Request for a scaled subvolume of a source image
  • Returns
  • set – The set of unique values for the request

dumps answer to d_query as a string

Calls update_query() with more informationfrom the cache or from the properties of a tile. Also calls find_tiles() to get the completeimage needed to answer the d_query.

Parameters:i_query (QueryLayer.InfoQuery) – A request for information
Returns:Answer for the QueryLayer.InfoQuery
Return type:str

dumps dataset from i_query as a string

Calls update_query() with more informationfrom the cache or from the properties of a tile.

Parameters:i_query (QueryLayer.InfoQuery) – A request for information
Returns:Dataset info for QueryLayer.InfoQuery
Return type:str
get_edits(i_query, msg={})[source]

dumps websocket updates to i_query as a string

Calls update_query() with more informationfrom the cache or from the properties of a tile.

Parameters:i_query (QueryLayer.InfoQuery) – A request for information
Returns:Wesocket info for QueryLayer.InfoQuery
Return type:str
static get_groups(i_query)[source]

dumps group list for i_query as a string

Parameters:i_query (QueryLayer.InfoQuery) – A request for a list of groups
Returns:A list of all groups for the i_query
Return type:str

dumps answer to i_query as a string

Calls update_query() with more informationfrom the cache or from the properties of a tile.

Parameters:i_query (QueryLayer.InfoQuery) – A request for information
Returns:Channel info for QueryLayer.InfoQuery
Return type:str

Load a single tile from the cache or from disk

Parameters:t_query (TileQuery) – With tile coordinates and volume within the tile
Returns:The subregion image data for the requested tile
Return type:numpy.ndarray
static make_data_query(i_query)[source]

Make a data query from an info query

Parameters:i_query (InfoQuery) – only needs PATH set in OUTPUT.INFO
Returns:takes only the PATH from i_query
Return type:DataQuery
static make_tile_query(d_query, t_index=array([0, 0, 0], dtype=uint32))[source]

Make a TileQuery from DataQuery

  • d_query (DataQuery) – only needs PATH set in OUTPUT.INFO
  • t_index (numpy.ndarray) – The 3x1 count of tiles form the origin

One tile request in the given data request

Return type:



Finds missing query details from cache or tile

Makes keywords from either the _cache or from a new TileQuery to update the given query

Parameters:query (Query) – Either an InfoQuery or a DataQuery
Returns:keywords – Can pass to Query.update_source() or combine to pass to Query.update_dataset().
Return type:dict
static view_volume(view, vol)[source]

Display a volume in color or grayscale

  • view (str) – The requested color or gray view of the data
  • vol (str) – Raw volume from Cache / Datasource

Colorized or original raw volume

Return type:


write_image(d_query, volume)[source]

Format a volume for a given DataQuery

  • d_query (DataQuery) – With the format and view for the requested volume
  • volume (numpy.ndarray) – Raw volume from Cache / Datasource

The image response as a formatted bytestring

Return type:


class CoreLayer.Cache(_runtime)[source]

Cache tiles and preloaded keywords

Parameters:_runtime (RUNTIME) – Needed to make attributes for each instance

intMAX from RUNTIME.CACHE, and the max bytes of memory to be used.


strMAX from RUNTIME.CACHE, and the key for the size of cached keywords


Collections.OrderedDict – A Least recently used ordered dictionary


int – The current bytes of memory used


Get a value from the cache by key

Parameters:key (str) – The key from a Query to access the cache
Returns:The value stored in the cache, or an empty list
Return type:anything
set(key, value)[source]

Set a key in the cache to a value

  • key (str) – The key from a Query to access the cache
  • value (anything) – The keywords or tile value to store in the cache

0 if successful and -1 if value is too large

Return type:



Get actual memory size of a value

Parameters:value (anything) – expected to be a dict or a numpy.ndarray
Returns:the number of bytes used by the value
Return type:int


You can import DatabaseLayer from bfly and CoreLayer.

DatabaseLayer classes

Database base class

class DatabaseLayer.Database(path, _runtime)[source]

Stores tables to respond to API._feature_info()

  • path (str) – The file path to store and access the database
  • _runtime (RUNTIME) – Gets stored as RUNTIME

RUNTIME – With keywords needed to load files and use tables

add_entries(table, path, t_keys, entries)[source]

Add an array or list of entries to a table Must be overridden by derived class.

add_entry(table, path, entry, update=1)[source]

and a single entry to a table for a path Overides Database.add_entry()

  • table (str) – The category of table for the database
  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
  • entry (dict) – The mapping of keys to values for the entry
  • update (int) – 1 to update old entries matching keys, and 0 to write new entries ignoring old entries. Default 1.

The value of the entry

Return type:


add_neurons(path, neurons)[source]

Add all the neurons to the database

  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
  • neurons (numpy.ndarray) – The Nx4 array of id, z, y, x values where N is the number of neurons for the path.

A list of dicts from each row of neurons with dictionary keys from the NEURON.FULL_LIST field of RUNTIME.DB

Return type:


add_path(c_path, d_path)[source]

store a link from a c_path to a d_path Must be overridden by derived class.

  • c_path (str) – The path to a given channel with images
  • d_path (str) – The path to the dataset with metadata files
add_synapses(path, synapses)[source]

Add all the synapases to the database

  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
  • synapses (numpy.ndarray) – The Nx5 array of pre, post, z, y, x values where N is the number of synapses for the path.

A list of dicts from each row of synapses with dictionary keys taken from SYNAPSE.FULL_LIST field of RUNTIME.DB

Return type:


add_table(table, path)[source]

Add a table to the database Must be overridden by derived classes

  • table (str) – The category of table for the database
  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files

The table name combining table and path The derived classes should return whether the table was added successfully.

Return type:

str or bool


Store all the tables for a given path

Parameters:path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
all_neurons(table, path)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.


Save all database changes to the database file. Must be overridden by derived class.

get_by_key(table, path, key)[source]

Get the entry for the key in the table. Must be overridden by derived class.

  • table (str) – The category of table for the database
  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
  • key (int) – The primary key value for any entry

The object reference from get_table(). The derived class should give an entry in the table.

Return type:

object or dict


Map a channel path to a dataset path Must be overridden by derived class.

Parameters:path (str) – The path to the given channel
Returns:The dataset path for the given path
Return type:str
get_table(table, path)[source]

Get the actual table for a given path Must be overridden by derived class.

  • table (str) – The category of table for the database
  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files

Full database name of the table for a path. The derived classes should actually return the python object reference to the real table.

Return type:

str or object

is_neuron(table, path, id_key)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.

is_synapse(table, path, id_key)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.


Load the tables, synapses, and neuron configs :param source: The configuration options for a dataset :type source: dict


Loads all files from config into database

Parameters:config (dict) – all data from UtilityLayer.rh_config
Returns:the derived database class instance
Return type:Database
load_neurons(path, synapses)[source]

Load all the neuron information from files

  • path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
  • synapses (numpy.ndarray) – The Nx5 array of pre, post, z, y, x values where N is the number of synapses for the path.

The Nx4 array of id, z, y, x values where N is the number of neurons for the path.

Return type:



Load all the synapse information from files

Parameters:path (str) – The dataset path to metadata files
Returns:The Nx5 array of pre, post, z, y, x values where N is the number of synapses for the path.
Return type:numpy.ndarray
neuron_children(table, path, id_key, start, stop)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.

neuron_keypoint(table, path, id_key, scales)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.

synapse_ids(table, path, start, stop)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.

synapse_keypoint(table, path, id_key, scales)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.

synapse_parent(table, path, id_key)[source]

Must be overridden by derived class.